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Exclusive Editions of Cherish

Barnes & Noble Dragon Court Edition

The B&N Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Dragon Court–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff that gives a new look at a fan-favorite dragon character and a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Books-a-Million Witch Court Edition

The BAM Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Witch Court–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff showcasing a new side to a tried-and-true witch, plus a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Target Vampire Court Edition

The TARGET Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Vampire Court–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff featuring a vampire character and a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Walmart Shadow Realm Edition


The Walmart Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Shadow Realm–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff and a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Exclusive Editions of Charm

Barnes & Noble Dragon Court Edition

The B&N Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Dragon Court-themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff that explores a brand-new dragon species and a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Books-a-Million Witch Court Edition


The BAM Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Witch Court–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff about a brand-new witch character, plus a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Target Vampire Court Edition

Only @ Target!!! This Target Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Vampire Court–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff that explores the back story of a fan-favorite vampire, plus a never-before-seen bonus scene!

Walmart Shadow Realm Edition


The Walmart Exclusive Edition includes special-edition Shadow Realm–themed endpapers, plus exclusive bonus content from Tracy Wolff about a brand-new haracter, plus a never-before-seen bonus scene!

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